5 days of theory and hands-on classes on GPU-based, quantum, neuromorphic and biochemical computing
1 – 5 July 2019, PORTO, Portugal
How will computers be in the future?
The goal of this school is to provide participants with a theoretical and practical introduction to core state-of-the-art computing technologies, as well as to various emerging and non-conventional technologies that will likely support the future of computing over the next years.
Following the steps of the 1st edition, in this 2nd edition of the Summer School on the Future of Computing, we will gather specialists from several fields of computations to share their knowledge and vision about the future of computing. This year, besides seminars and presentations covering various theoretical aspect of emerging computing technologies, we will have a set of hands-on sessions where participants will learn how to program such new computing technologies.
Additionally, as part of the broader vision on the future of computing we wish to encourage, we will be holding a number of talks and panels on topics related with the social, environmental and ethical implications of these emerging technologies.
We hope that this school provides students with a productive combination of technical knowledge, hands-on experience and insightful outlooks about the major trends in computing technologies, so that they can become themselves active participants in the construction of their future.
Topics covered by this year’s edition include:
• History of Computation
• GPU-Accelerated Computing
• Neuromorphic Computing
• Quantum Computing
• Biological and Chemical Computing
• Social, Environmental and Ethical aspects of Computing
Porto, Clube Fenianos Portuenses
(R. Clube dos Fenianos 29,
4000-407 Porto)
Starts 1 of July, 2019
Ends 5 of July, 2019
For further information, please contact futurecomp@uptec.up.pt.
Who is this School for?
This school is intended for people who are interested in learning the fundamentals of current and emerging computer technologies, specially non-conventional ones. The school aims at gathering participants with different backgrounds and with different roles in the broader technological landscape, but who all wish to be builders of the future. More specifically, we specially invite to this school:
> PhD and MsC students, Researchers in Academia and Industry;
> Entrepreneurs, cloud providers, software companies;
> Venture capital, research funding agencies;
> Governmental agencies, policy makers.